What Makes the SB Watch Unique?
There are several connected dice available on the market, but we think our dice are a unique offer. Spotted Dice have Bluetooth connectivity without a thumper, look like regular 16mm/19mm playing dice. In addition, the dice have a sensitive motion sensor, which will enable unique new routines never seen before. And of course, the dice are available in 5 colors, plus we are offering a blank white spotless version as well. Our pricing is competitive, the charger for 3 dice is included in the price. While we recommend having a PeekSmith, you will get several peeking options without investing in other devices. The price also includes the DiceSmith app with tons of routines for free.
What Is the Retail Price of the Watch?
- Spotted Dice: Single Dice + DiceSmith App: $270.
- Spotted Dice 2: $497.
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How Can I Place an Order for a Dice?
You can buy them in our Electricks Magic Shop. All our available models are listed on this page: Spotted Dice
Are You Selling One Die + Charger Set?
No. As almost all the routines of the DiceSmith app needs at least 3 dice, it would be not a good offer. Also, our price for this set would be not competitive.
What Dice Colors Are Available?
We are producing 5 color variants. Normal dice with dots in white, black, red, blue, and green – available in both 16mm and 19mm size. And we have 16mm blank dice in white (spotless).
What Are the Blank White (Spotless) Dice Good for?
You can customize it with stickers and engraving. This way you would be able to add colors, words, or signs to it, and perform brand new routines.
What Are the Dimensions of the Dice?
The “16mm” dice are about 16.5 mm. It is almost the same size as the most common 16mm playing dice, and the difference is only noticeable when they’re next to each other. You can easily swap the dice with a regular 16mm one, and hand them out to the spectator as a gift. The “19mm” dice are exactly 19mm.
How Can I Wake Up (Turn On) the Dice?
Just shake them, turn them to a different value and they will wake up and be ready to go.
How Can I Turn Off the Dice?
Disconnect them from Bluetooth, and they’ll switch to low-power mode in a short time. If they are connected to an app, you can exit the app, or the DiceSmith app has a “Disconnect All” button.
How Do the Dice Connect to the Phone?
Every Spotted Die has a Bluetooth chip inside. The phone connects directly to the die (no thumper needed).
How Many Dice Can I Connect to my Phone?
It depends on the phone and the operating system, so you have to test it. We have successfully connected 6 dice, a PeekSmith, and an AirPods to an iPhone with no issues.
How Can I Charge the Dice?
You will get a wireless charger unit with a micro-USB port. Just plug it in, and you can charge up to 3 dice at the same time. We are using a proprietary solution for charging (common Qi wireless chargers are not compatible, as they need a large charging coil that would not fit inside a die).
What Is the Expected Battery Life?
The dice are working for 40-50 hours with a full charge. In low power mode, they are using minimal power, and discharge after weeks.
What Kind of Battery Are the Dice Using?
Dice have a LiPo battery and can be fully charged about 500 times. The dice have battery protection inbuilt, if the battery runs down to a certain level, it protects from draining too far.
Is it OK to Hand Out the Dice to Spectators?
The dice are looking like normal regular dice. There’s no sign that they are having Bluetooth chips inside.
Are the Dice Waterproof?
Of course. You can clean it with basic soap and water.
What Is Included in a Spotted Dice Set?
A set includes 3 or more pieces of Bluetooth-connected dice in your selected colors, a wireless charger, and a micro-USB cable.