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MagiScript Event Handling Overview

MagiScript can process events from a variety of sources such as button presses, accelerometer data, and watch hand movements. To manage these, simply implement the onEvent function, which will handle all incoming events automatically. All event values, including numeric ones like button IDs, are passed as strings. The event object contains four keys: – value: the event data. – type: the nature of the event. – source: the device type and event source (formatted as device::source, e.g., atom:button). – sourceID: the ID of the device (typically its Bluetooth name).

					function onEvent(event) {
console.log(event.value, event.type, event.source, event.sourceID);


MagiScript categorizes events based on their source device: Atom, PeekSmith, or SB Watch.

Atom Events

Button Events

Button Events Atom automatically reports button events, distinguishing between various interactions: – press: Button pressed. – release: Button released. – click: A quick press and release. – click2, click3: Double and triple clicks. – longpress: Button held for a longer duration. – repeatpress: Repeatedly sent every second while the button remains pressed. 

Event Details:

  • value: Button ID (0 = top-left, 11 = bottom-right).
  • type: press, release, click, click2, click3, longpress, repeatpress.
  • source: atom:button.
  • sourceID: Atom’s Bluetooth name.

Accelerometer Data

To receive accelerometer data from Atom, subscribe using the atom.accel method.

Event Details:

  • value: Coordinates x,y,z (comma-separated).
  • type: xyz.
  • source: atom:accel.
  • sourceID: Atom’s Bluetooth name

PeekSmith Events

Bluetooth Events

When Atom connects to or disconnects from PeekSmith, or fails to connect, an event is triggered.

Event Details:

  • value: PeekSmith’s Bluetooth name.
  • type: connected, disconnected, failed.
  • source: ps:ble.
  • sourceID: PeekSmith’s Bluetooth name.

Button Events

PeekSmith reports button interactions similar to Atom.

Event Details:

  • value: Button ID (0 = side button, 1 = front-left, 2 = front-right).
  • type: press, release, click, click2, click3, longpress, repeatpress.
  • source: ps:button.
  • sourceID: PeekSmith’s Bluetooth name.

Accelerometer Data

Subscribe to PeekSmith’s accelerometer data using the ps.accel method.

Event Details:

  • value: Coordinates x,y,z (comma-separated).
  • type: xyz.
  • source: ps:accel.
  • sourceID: PeekSmith’s Bluetooth name.

SB Watch Events

Button/Crown Events

SB Watch automatically reports button or crown interactions.

Event Details:

  • value: Button ID (0 = crown, 1 = top, 2 = bottom).
  • type: press, release, click, click2, click3, longpress, repeatpress.
  • source: sbwatch:button.
  • sourceID: SB Watch’s Bluetooth name.

Accelerometer Data

To receive accelerometer data from SB Watch, subscribe using the sbwatch.accel method.

Event Details:

  • value: Coordinates x,y,z (comma-separated).
  • type: xyz.
  • source: sbwatch:accel.
  • sourceID: SB Watch’s Bluetooth name.

Watch Hand Events

SB Watch reports the movement of its hands automatically, indicating when they start or finish moving.

Event Details:

  • value: Time the hands are moving to (e.g., 10:10).
  • type: started, finished.
  • source: sbwatch:hands.
  • sourceID: SB Watch’s Bluetooth name.

This breakdown ensures that you understand how to handle and categorize events from different devices when using MagiScript.