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Strings are a sequence of characters enclosed in either single quotes (''), double quotes (""), or backticks (``). Single quotes and double quotes are working the same way, but backticks (string templates) have some special features.

Creating Strings

To create a string, simply enclose a sequence of characters in single or double quotes. For example:

					let str1 = 'Hello, world!';
let str2 = "MagiScript is awesome!";

MagiScript also supports template strings, which are enclosed in backticks (``) instead of single or double quotes. Template strings allow multiple lines and also embed expressions inside a string using placeholders. Placeholder expressions are enclosed in ${}For example:

					let name = "MagiScript";
let message = `Hello, ${name}!`;

String Methods

Below are the String Methods:


strLen is a built-in function in MagiScript that returns the length of a string. It takes one argument, which is the string to be measured. For example:

					let myStr = "MagiScript";
let len = strLen(myStr); // len is 10


strSub is a built-in function in MagiScript that extracts a substring from a string. It takes two arguments: the string from which the substring will be extracted, and the starting index (inclusive) and the ending index (exclusive) of the substring. For example:

					let myStr = "MagiScript";
let subStr = strSub(myStr, 0, 4); // subStr is "Magi"


strCharAt is a built-in function in MagiScript that returns the character at a specified index in a string. It takes two arguments: the string from which the character will be extracted, and the index of the character. For example:

					let myStr = "MagiScript";
let char = strCharAt(myStr, 2); // char is "g"


strSplit is a built-in function in MagiScript that splits a string into an array of substrings. It takes two arguments: the string to be split, and the separator character or substring. For example:

					let myStr = "MagiScript is awesome!";
let words = strSplit(myStr, " "); // words is ["MagiScript", "is", "awesome!"]


In MagiScript, strings are a fundamental data type that can be created using single or double quotes or backticks for template strings. While MagiScript doesn’t support the length property of strings, and accessing the letter at an index using brackets (str[2]), we have strLen, strSub, strCharAt and strSplit to help manipulate and extract information from strings.