The Peek Thief
The Peek Thief is an accessory specifically designed for PeekSmith 3. It looks exactly like an open card case and even holds a full deck of 52 cards.
The beauty of The Peek Thief is that it looks absolutely natural, allowing you to hide your PeekSmith 3 in plain sight. You can add it to your card case or steal it away at any time during your performance.
The Peek Thief is a must-have accessory for any owner of a pre-owned PeekSmith 3. It’s a clever and natural-looking way to keep your device close at hand while performing. Get yours today and take your performances to the next level!
You can buy The Peek Thief from the BritishSecretService.
First Steps ๐๏ธ
Troubleshootingย ๐๏ธ
Firmware Update ๐๏ธ
App Update ๐๏ธ
Standalone Mode
SB Watch ๐๏ธ
Dice Thumper ๐๏ธ
PeekSmith App
NFC/RFID Reader ๐๏ธ
Apple Watch Support ๐๏ธ
Web Screen ๐๏ธ
Impression Pads ๐๏ธ
PeekSmith App Add-Ons
Audio Assistant ๐๏ธ
API Access ๐๏ธ
WEB-doodle Feature ๐๏ธ
External Displays ๐๏ธ
Text Recognition ๐๏ธ
PeekSmith 3 Accessories
Peek Box 3 ๐๏ธ
The Peek Thief ๐๏ธ