⌚SB Watch 2
⌚SB Watch 2
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With Nest, you can simply reach for your pen, or return it to your pocket, to 
reveal the information you received. Our upgraded design allows you to
easily add or remove your PeekSmith 3

Nest II is combining the Card Holder design by Nora Barthazi, and the original Nest design by Alain Van den Abeele. It is a handy 3D-printed accessory that allows you to hold our PeekSmith 3 device, and discreetly peek information on the go. This compact tool, printed by Electricks, can be conveniently stored in your pocket alongside a pen.

You can buy it from us in our shop:
PeekSmith 3 Nest 2.

We still have some stock of the original design:
PeekSmith 3 Nest