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Dice Routine

Connecting your Dice

Go to Settings – Dice routine, and turn ON “Enable dice routine“. If you use Spotted Dice, just shake your dice and they will be listed. If you use Marc Antoine’s Mental/Kinetic Dice, then first turn on the dice (place them on the charger for 2 seconds), turn on your thumper with the magnet, and “Mental/Kinetic Dice” will be listed. Tap it and the thumper will connect. After connecting the dice, their small icons will appear in the Dice Routine settings, and also on the Homescreen.

Starting the Routine

After launching the dice routine screen (START MAGIC), you can freely roll the dice until you want to start the actual routine. To start the routine, you have the following options:

– flip master die: you have to flip your master die (see setting below) between any two connecting sides 4 times (forward, back, forward, back), for example: 3-5-3-5. Pay attention to the speed, it shouldn’t be too fast nor too slow. Ideally one turn should be around 0.5 second (please see the video). After the 4th turn, START will be displayed on the phone’s screen (and also on PeekSmith, Pebble watch etc.). Then you can ask the spectator to roll for the hours, then for the minutes. Please see the tutorial videos for more detailed info.

– dice values: using this option you’ll have to turn the dice to show a specific combination (in the order of the colors, as you see them on the screen). The default combination is 1-2-3, but you can change it to any other combination (see setting below). After you set the dice to show the starting combination, the app will display START. Then you can ask the spectator to roll for the hours, then for the minutes. Please see the tutorial videos for more detailed info.

Master die: if your starting method is “flip master die”, you can select the master die here. The default is the RED one.

Start combination: if your starting method is “dice values”, you can set the starting combination here. Tap the actual combination to change it. First turn the dice to show the desired combination, then tap the button “Load current values”, and the combination will change.

Setting the Timer

There is an option called “Continue routine after”, where you can specify how many seconds should the app wait before it evaluates the rolled dice values. If you set this to 3 seconds, the app will wait 3 seconds after the spectator rolled the dice, and will calculate the hours (and minutes) after 3 seconds. During these 3 seconds the spectator can roll the dice again… You can set this even to 5-10 seconds if you’d like to give more time for them to change their mind and roll again.

Minute Setting Methods

First of all, the hours will always be calculated as the TOTAL of the rolled dice values (they can roll any number of dice!). To set the minutes, you can choose from different methods:

  • Total Value: The minutes will be calculated as the TOTAL of the rolled dice values (they can roll any number of dice). Please see the tutorial videos for more detailed info.
  • Lower Value First: The spectator should roll exactly 2 dice. For the digits of the minute the app will take the lower value first (example: 5 and 3 will be 35). If they throw double 6s, the app will display AGAIN, and the spectator should roll one or both dice again. Exceptions: if the spectator decides to roll only 1 die, it will specify the minutes (1-6). If they throw with 3 dice, the minutes will always be the TOTAl value of the dice values. Please see the tutorial videos for more detailed info.

  • Lower Value First: The spectator should roll exactly 2 dice. For the digits of the minute the app will take the lower value first (example: 5 and 3 will be 35). If they throw double 6s, the app will display AGAIN, and the spectator should roll one or both dice again. Exceptions: if the spectator decides to roll only 1 die, it will specify the minutes (1-6). If they throw with 3 dice, the minutes will always be the TOTAl value of the dice values. Please see the tutorial videos for more detailed info.

Color Order

The spectator should roll exactly 2 dice. For the digits of the minute the app will take values in the order of the colors (white, black, red, blue, spotless). If they throw a 6 for the first digit, the app will display AGAIN, and the spectator should roll one or both dice again. Exceptions: if the spectator decides to roll only 1 die, it will specify the minutes (1-6). If they throw with 3 dice, the minutes will always be the TOTAL value of the dice values. Please see the tutorial videos for more detailed info.

Move Die (Spotted Dice only)

The spectator should roll exactly 2 dice, and then they can decide the order of the digits. Whichever number they select, you should lift that die up and place it near the other die. The app will sense the movement, and will set the minutes accordingly. If they throw double 6s, the app will display AGAIN, and the spectator should roll one or both dice again. Exceptions: if the spectator decides to roll only 1 die, it will specify the minutes (1-6). If they throw with 3 dice, the minutes will always be the TOTAL value of the dice values. Please see the tutorial videos for more detailed info.

Devices & Apps

SB Watch

SB Watch 2

📱 TimeSmith App

📱 PeekSmith App


📃 First Steps

📃 Standalone Mode

📃 Settings


📃 Hydra

Performance Ideas

📃 Mnematching Time Prediction

📃 Take a Photo (Lock Screen)

📃 Memories

📃 Mind-Reading Twist

📃 Written in Time (Text Recognition)

📃 Around the World

📃 Lucky Roll (Dice Routine)

📃 Coincidence (Using the Crown)

📃 Synchronicity (Two Watches)

📃 Be the Force With You

Input Methods

🎞️ Voice Recognition

🎞️ Dice Routine

🎞️ Time Setting with Rubik’s Cube

🎞️ Multi-Watch Feature

🎞️ Swipe

🎞️ The Calculator Input

🎞️ Using The Web Input

🎞️ The Web-Doodle

🎞️ Fake Camera

🎞️ Secret Camera

🎞️ NFC Cards

🎞️ The Prediction

🎞️ Prediction Photo Shooting

📃 Using The BT Screen

🎞️ Manual Time Input